Townhall VIII AMA Recap

19 min read3 days ago



Troopers — we were delighted to host our 8th Townhall in our Tranchess TG Channel! Hosted by Gambit and joined by our beloved King and special guest Ivan from StakeStone, a lot of information was included to show all of the updates and progress we have made as a team and Trooper community! Topics covered include:

  1. Global economy review and crypto trend as an asset class
  2. Tranchess positions and plans
  3. Growth & Developments (collaborations, new releases, PR and media coverages)
  4. New product launch (Tranchess x StakeStone x Scroll)
  5. Special guest from StakeStone

The Q&A sections in this Townhall not only covered the topics that our community is widely interested in, but also touched on the features of StakeStone that our users are mostly curious about, which are addressed by a special guest, Ivan, from StakeStone.

We hope you enjoy the script of the AMA. Let us know your thoughts or whether you have any questions about the Tranchess TG Channel!



Welcome, everyone, to Townhall VIII!

We’re excited to get this started, as there are a lot of updates for you all。 Plus, we have a special guest today with us: @IvanInWeb3 from StakeStone!

Hello everyone, and thank you to Tranchess for the invite!


Very glad to have you with us today, Ivan!


Welcome to Tranchess Townhall.

Never imagined we would be on the same AMA together ~~ but hey …. here we are ! @Tranchess_Gambit Ready to share more details on today’s program ?


Absolutely — To help everyone understand today’s schedule, here’s an overview of the AMA:

Section 1: Tranchess General Update & News
> King’s opening statement and general update
> Timeline since last townhall & achievements
> Tranchess Twitter Q&A Answers

Section 2: AMA w/ our special guest Ivan from StakeStone

Section 3: Live Q&A section
> Potential future partnership poll (Twitter Q&A)
> Live Q&A

Of course, there will be plenty of prizes for everyone today. These will mainly be in Section 3 in the Live Q&A sections, however be sure to pay attention as there relevance to responses & questions is important!

We’re also proud that this is the first time we host a LIVE translated bilingual AMA, where our Chinese Community TG chat will simultaneously translate the AMA live for our Chinese troopers! Link: @TranchessChineseGroup

Well, without further ado, let’s welcome @Tranchess_King, our CEO & Co-Founder to give you guys the opening statement and general update.


Thanks! @Tranchess_Gambit

Welcome, everyone, to our Town Hall 8! I’m excited to address our steadfast Tranchess Troopers and new users alike. It’s been a while since our last townhall and we do apologize for the relatively long hiatus. As you can see from recent Tranchess updates, twit posts, new products and TVL increase, it’s quite certain that the team is very busy behind the scenes ensuring a strong trajectory for Tranchess.

Opening and Tranchess General Update

I would like to do our opening address in a slightly different format this time. Moving from macro outlook and then into what Tranchess is doing. That way you can see how relevant Tranchess is with how overall the world is progressing ahead~

Despite the global economy facing significant headwinds, with inflation rates soaring and economic growth slowing. ie Global GDP growth is projected to slow to 2.9% in 2024, down from 3.3% in 2023.

Regarding interest rates, central banks are adopting a hawkish stance to combat inflation. The US Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates by 25 basis points in the coming months, while the European Central Bank may consider rate cuts towards the end of the year. These changes will have significant implications for crypto markets, as higher interest rates can lead to increased borrowing costs and reduced investor appetite for risky assets.


In the crypto market, there has been a decent up trend since the start of the year. Currently, the global crypto market capitalization stands at $2.68 trillion, with Bitcoin and Ethereum making up over 60% of the total market share.

The approval/ launch of Ethereum ETFs is generating significant buzz in the crypto community. An Ethereum ETF would allow institutional investors to gain exposure to Ethereum without directly holding the asset, potentially leading to increased adoption and institutional investment in the crypto market. We’re also witnessing increased mainstream institutional investment in crypto. Fidelity Investments, one of the world’s largest asset managers, has launched a crypto trading platform, while BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has invested in a crypto startup.

According to a survey by Fidelity Digital Assets, 70% of institutional investors plan to invest in crypto in the next two years.

Yes ~~ that’s the space we are all currently in Tranchess Troopers !

Native staking and structured products are becoming increasingly important in the crypto market. Native staking allows investors to earn yields on their crypto holdings, while structured products offer a way to manage risk and generate returns. The crypto staking market is expected to reach $40 billion by 2025, driven by institutional growth.

In conclusion, while the global economy and crypto markets face challenges, we are also seeing significant opportunities for growth and adoption in the space of crypto. It is for certain that Tranchess which is focusing in the space of yield enhancement via staking narratives and also pushing for innovation in the world of DeFI will have a good seat in the world that sees convergence towards traditional finance and digital assets.

TL:DR: Tranchess is well positioned in the staking space as well as structured products space to welcome the new wave of investments coming from traditional financial institutions as well as general masses.

We would like to take the opportunity to once again thank our supporters, investors, partners and also Tranchess Troopers for supporting us through thick and thin periods. We really appreciate all the feedback and contributions that you have accorded to Tranchess.


Amazing — thanks for the opening remarks! Let me provide a timeline of achievements since the previous Townhall at the start of the year.

Achievements and Developments

Our strength on the side of BNB Liquid staking has continued strong with market-leading yield:

Of course we also had the Tranchess V3 launch, unveiling Turbo Yield ETH and Stable Yield ETH ( first of its kind product in DeFi space!) :

Market leading LP choices for our users with turYETH and staYETH:

Then in februrary, the launch of our Tranchess stETH Blitz, leading to ~$10 million USD in TVL inflows within the first few weeks!

And landing the partnership with Lido for stETH Incentive boosts:

We were busy with networking as well, building up our present at in-person conference events. For e.g. Tranchess at ETH Seoul and BUIDL Asia:

And coming to the more recent major news that I’m sure you’re all aware of: The launch of Turbo Points STONE on Scroll, and our Tranchess x StakeStone x Scroll Partnership:

We were busy marketing the product, and you can catch a lot of alpha in the AMA we had with StakeStone on the Scroll’s twitter:

Just last month, we hit 200 million in TVL as well. Again, our troopers are strong!

Recently, we had Troopers also repping Tranchess in Vietnam:

And finally, we are the first native DeFi protocol on Scroll Sessions, and #1 in TVL on Scroll! Scroll Marks further boost our status in the Scroll ecosystem:

PR and Mainstream Media Coverage

We’ve also been very active on the PR and mainstream media side, continuously building up Tranchess’ brand image and name. We’ve truly been focused on global coverage as well, including media pieces in multiple languages like English, Chinese, Turkish, and French. Here’s a summary of our PR coverage since the start of the year:

Some highlight pieces include our widely covered launch of Tranchess V3, the Tranchess stETH Blitz Program w/ Lido, and of course our successful launch and explosive growth of turPSTONE and staYSTONE through our StakeStone x Scroll x Tranchess 3-way partnership!

If you want to check some of them out, here are some links as highlights to get you started:

DeFiant, investing[.]com, binance, BNN on Tranchess V3 and the Lido partnership

Foresight News, TechFlow, CryptoRank, CryptoNews, CoinLive on StakeStone x Scroll x Tranchess partnership

Regarding our TVL, our trend has been strong, continuously growing from ~60 million USD in TVL to now ~270 million USD!

This is an approximate 450% increase in TVL since our last townhall at the start of the year.

We are excited to continue working hard, providing you all with the key tools and products to be able to speculate on the different areas of crypto you want, whilst ensuring top tier security and product design standards.

And back to you @Tranchess_King for the Q&A section from Twitter!

Tranchess Twitter Questions and Answers


It was tough picking out all the brilliant questions. We took our time and selected a few which we felt best expressed common questions and also queries that users would have on current Tranchess developments. So here goes:

Q1: How does Tranchess define “stable yield” and what are the primary benefits for investors seeking this type of investment?

Tranchess is known for its unique QBR model, or in the Tranchess STONE fund, the Turbo & Stable model. A stable yield is a fixed income-like return that is pretty predictable and the least volatile within our asset portfolio. For example, our staYSTONE earns a fixed 6% APR by design, which doesn’t include the extra earnings incurred due to market trading opportunities.

staYSTONE is for users who want certainty with their yield — they want stable earnings with their assets without having to check back frequently and make adjustments. The earnings are fixed, but their assets are not locked, so there’s always the flexibility to swap in between.

staYSTONE is now offering 24% APR for users holding the tokens to maturity on October 8, 2024. As a stable yield product, we believe this is top of the line!

Q2: One of the key updates in Tranchess is the enhanced leveraged points system. Can you provide a detailed analysis of how the new leveraged points mechanism works, including the risks and rewards associated with higher leverage options like the 20.0x multiplier?

The leveraged points system is a natural result of Tranchess’ fundamental structure design. QUEEN earns 1X points, and 1 QUEEN can be split into 0.1 turPSTONE and 0.9 staYSTONE. Since staYSTONE, as a stable yield product, does not collect any points, all its points are allocated to turPSTONE, giving turPSTONE an innate leverage of 10. This leverage comes at a cost — turPSTONE pays a daily interest rate to staYSTONE in exchange for the points. The daily interest rate then constitutes staYSTONE’s fixed earnings.

The 10x leverage combines with a bonus multiplier of 2 from StakeStone, resulting in the final exciting 20X multiplier for turPSTONE!

Q3: How does the integration with Scroll benefit Tranchess STONE Fund users, particularly in terms of earning Scroll Marks? What additional advantages do these marks provide, and how do they integrate into the overall reward structure?

As a reputable layer 2, Scroll is known for its solid technical background and design. We are excited to be the very first DeFi protocol participating in the Scroll Sessions, which will provide our users with another layer of earnings — the Scroll Marks.

Like STONE, Tranchess STONE fund tokens have started accumulating Scroll Marks for users. Since we are just at the first stage of Scroll Sessions, we believe there will be even more exciting news as Scroll unveils its future Session plans with more details.

Q4: With a significant allocation of weekly CHESS emissions to the staYSTONE-STONE LP, how might this influence the overall distribution of liquidity across different pools? What strategies can Tranchess employ to ensure balanced liquidity provision across its ecosystem?

The weekly CHESS emission to the staYSTONE -STONE LP has two parts:
1. The 150k weekly CHESS incentives;
2. The weekly CHESS allocation is determined by governance voting. Based on what I saw this morning, the current voting for staYSTONE-STONE LP is 35.1%, meaning that next week, 35.1% of our regular weekly CHESS emission will be allocated to staYSTONE-STONE LPs ( if this is the final voting result).
The remaining are spread among other LP pools and assets on the BNB Chain.

The voting percentage is determined by every user with veCHESS who voted for their preferred spread and is constantly adjusting itself dynamically based on our users’ needs. When we first launched the STONE fund, the voting result was around 8% -12% during the first few weeks. Given the rapid growth of the STONE fund, we believe the current voting result is a fair reflection of our community’s preference.

Q5: At the end of the 6-month fund, all tokens will be converted back to STONE based on their fair value. How does this conversion mechanism ensure fair value realization for users? What are the implications for users holding turPSTONE and staYSTONE at the fund’s conclusion?

The conversion mechanism is built into the smart contract when we launch the STONE fund. Fair values are calculated purely based on the interest paid/gained between turPSTONE and staYSTONE, not including the points.

Take staYSTONE for example: staYSTONE collects a fixed 6% APR from turPSTONE, which means that by the end of this 6-month fund, its fair value would be around 1.03. (Not including other yield!!) Note this is just a rough estimate for the ease of this example. A fair value of 1.03 means that by then, every staYSTONE can be redeemed back into 1.03 STONE tokens. The ratio is fixed.

And we finished 5Q from Twitter community. Now — it’s time for the StakeStone Q&A Section!

Welcome @IvanInWeb3 ! If you could give an introduction of yourself as well as StakeStone for the community please! And then we’ll dive into the questions!


Hello everyone! I’m Ivan, CMO of StakeStone, an advocate for Web3, DeFi and omnichain infrastructures. I have a keen interest in bridging traditional finance and blockchain technology, I joined the most innovative protocol, StakeStone to create seamless and efficient yield-bearing solutions. I am excited to share insights, learn from this incredible community, and drive the future of DeFi together.

What is StakeStone?

STONE, a yield-bearing STONE backed by Ethereum, transcends traditional consensus layers, allowing for asset staking that goes beyond conventional methods. This architecture ensures that users can access optimized yields while maintaining the liquidity of their assets, setting a new standard for liquid assets in the crypto ecosystem.

StakeStone’s vision is to create a revolutionary staking network anchored in the shared security of ETH and BTC. By leveraging the strengths of these two leading cryptocurrencies, we aim to establish the first stable, yield-bearing ETH/BTC asset that earns widespread trust and adoption.

We aim to provide dynamic and innovative staking solutions backed by the combined strength of Ethereum and Bitcoin. This approach ensures that users benefit from the liquidity, security, and optimized yields offered by StakeStone’s adaptive staking network.

As StakeStone continues to innovate and lead in the DeFi space, it remains committed to its vision of creating a liquid ETH asset with adaptive and optimized yield opportunities for all.

Questions from the community to StakeStone

Q1: Does StakeStone see itself as a LST or LRT?

We see ourselves as a Liquid ETH with adaptive and optimized yield opportunities for all

What do we mean by that, there are 3 points i want to mention.

1. Truly Liquid and Omnichain
StakeStone offers truly liquid assets that seamlessly integrate across multiple blockchain networks, providing an omnichain solution. Their adaptive staking network enhances liquidity distribution across chains and protocols, ensuring efficient and flexible asset movement.

2. Compatible with Multiple Consensus Mechanisms
StakeStone’s cutting-edge architecture supports multiple consensus mechanisms, making it versatile and adaptable to various blockchain environments. This compatibility enhances the robustness and reliability of our staking solutions, which feature optimized yields with an adjustable portfolio of underlying assets.

3. Revolutionary Staking Network
StakeStone is pioneering a revolutionary staking network anchored in the shared security of Ethereum and Bitcoin. By leveraging ETH and BTC, StakeStone is creating the first stable, yield-bearing asset that is widely trusted and adopted.

Q2: At Tranchess, we definitely take fluidity and choice for users to move in & out of whichever funds they like. What is the limit for withdrawals or time taken for STONE to ETH?

We actually have two types of withdrawal right from the start of StakeStone inception. We always believe that we must allow users to deposit and withdraw at any point in time regardless of the amount.

[Request] allows you to withdraw your ETH with your STONE without slippage, but it will take 3–7 days before you can claim your ETH.

[Instant] can withdraw your STONE immediately. Please note that this method might be subject to slippage.

Also to add on — we are in the midst to revamping our website based on all the user feedback we have got, we always aim to optimize our staker’s experience on our platform.

Q3: What is the APY on staySTONE compared to others similar products?

There has been previous answers to this earlier , last i checked it was 23.7% and it was even higher before more of you noticed it, i believe that the staYSTONE earnings of STONE on Tranchess have already exceeded all LRT on Pendle (for example) -

staYSTONE earnings essentially reflect the anticipated airdrop pricing, and STONE’s pricing has already surpassed other assets.

Indeed a hidden gem for the community here.

Indeed, our staYSTONE product is one of the best on the market for yield 😉. Thanks Ivan for the comprehensive responses — we hope everyone got to learn a few new things here!

We move onto Section 3! This is where everyone’s participation is crucial!

Before we begin the live Q&A, we have one important activity where we want to hear your opinions!

On twitter a few days ago, we asked all troopers to write in their proposals for which protocols they would want us to partner with + their reason! We’ve looked at every person’s response, and collected the ones that could make sense.

We want to hear your opinions as well, so we’re providing you with the opportunity to vote for your favorite! The top 4 recommended partner protocols will then be the ones that split the $200 USD in CHESS reward equally. If multiple people suggested the same protocol in the replies, the winner will be determined by chronological order.

Now, onto the poll — remember that you only have 1 choice so select the one you’re most interested in seeing us partner with!

[ Poll : Which protocol do you want to see us partner with? ]
- EtherFi (Liquid restaking)
- KelpDAO (Liquid restaking)
- Synthetix (synthetic asset tracking)
- Morpho Labs (yield)
- MagPie/PenPie (Yield)
- Ethena Labs (stablecoin yield)
- Puffer Finance (Liquid restaking)
- Frax Finance (Liquid Staking)
- BounceBit (BTC)
- Yearn Finance (Yield)

Thanks to everyone that has voted in the poll!

For some of you that have been long time troopers, I’m sure you’re familiar with this process. However, let’s remind everyone of how this goes and the RULES:

We will open the chat up for you to send your question. You will get a few minutes to do this, so no rush!

> DO NOT SPAM. Spamming questions over and over will result in forfeit of rewards
> DO NOT COPY & PASTE SOMEONE ELSE’ QUESTION. This disqualifies your question for rewards

3 questions will be chosen by @IvanInWeb3 and the StakeStone team
3 will be chosen by the Tranchess team.

This means there will be 6 total winners who win $50 USD in CHESS each!

We will also be answering 2 questions from the Chinese community, which of course will be answered in Chinese! We hope to be fully inclusive to all languages!

We hope everyones ready! We will open the chat shortly for you to post your questions. Stay vigilant of the rules above!

Live AMA Questions

3 Questions for Tranchess:

Q1: What are the benefits of holding staYSTONE and turPSTONE tokens after splitting a stoneQUEEN, and how do they affect your points earned? (

As mentioned earlier, 1 stone queen will split into 0.1 turPSTONE and 0.9 staYSTONE.

staYSTONE will not have any stone points but instead receives a daily interest payment from turPSTONE.

All its points are allocated to turPSTONE, giving turPSTONE an innate leverage of 10.

Since turPSTONE has a 10x leverage of points; And with a bonus multiplier of 2 from StakeStone, resulting in the final 20X multiplier for turPSTONE.

*It is noted that in addition there will also be scroll marks for all tokens in Tranchess*

Q2:How does the discounted trading price of staYSTONE affect its implied yield, and what is the significance of taking advantage of this discount? (ƕ𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓻 =^.^=)

This is a great question!

In general, both turPSTONE and staYSTONE have the possibility of trading at either a premium or discount. This is by design.

When staYSTONE trades at a discount, this actually means that for each STONE you use to swap into staYSTONE, it is cheaper. This has a direct effect on the returns the user would get as at the end of the staYSTONE maturation date (currently ~october this year), then the staYSTONE holder would get 1.06 STONE back per staYSTONE they hold! So, in conclusion, as a user who wants to profit from staYSTONE, as the discount for staYSTONE gets higher, you should theoretically also want to hold more staYSTONE!

Now on the other hand, there are other opportunities for users such as providing liquidity into the staYSTONE-STONE LP pool! This allows you not only to benefit from the staYSTONE discount if it is there, but also earn trading fees and StakeStone 2x multiplier points in the process! This is probably one of the most slept-on and overlooked opportunities in DeFi (alpha!)

We encourage everyone to look deeper into the mechanism as there is plenty of alpha to be extracted!

Q3: How does Tranchess effectively communicate the distinct benefits and strategic uses of tokens like turPSTONE, staYSTONE, stoneQUEEN, and staYSTONE-STONE LP to its users? What educational resources and tools does Tranchess provide to empower users in making informed investment decisions? (

Besides the regular doc support and Medium, we constantly explore new methods to communicate the characteristics of the tokens to our users. Last year we worked with two different research facilities (one ENG and one in CHN) for indepth studies.

With the launch of the STONE fund, we’ve been working with different youtubers for detailed explanations from different angles. We are also putting more focus on TranchessWiki for materials that are broad or require more pictures and diagrams to facilitate the understanding.

Considering many of the Scroll community members are more familiar with Discord, we are also putting more time and resources with our Discord group.

Expanding the diversity of educational resources is one of our daily task, and if there’s any specific type of resource that you want to see, please felel free to let us know!

3 Questions for StakeStone:

Q1: How can I stake and profit from your platform? (Nobita)

Hello thank you for your question

Join our and create a account there via a wallet of your choice

That will be your personal dashboard to earn STONE points and explore what campaigns are running, feel free to explore different ecosystems and yields but currently the below tweet shows you a step-by-step for the staYSTONE yield that we have mentioned earlier

AND most importantly DYOR and make sure you use officials links to connect your wallet!

Q2: Can you explain the STONE-FI ecosystem and its growth across major blockchains? Additionally, how does STONE empower stakers to leverage their staked tokens in various applications? (Ash)

StakeStone is committed to building a collaborative and inclusive ecosystem. We actively partner with leading blockchains like Scroll / BNB and more, protocols like Tranchess, and communities to drive innovation and create synergies that benefit all stakeholders. Our partnerships with protocols like Tranchess exemplify our dedication to providing better opportunities and returns for stakers, particularly within the Scroll ecosystem.

STONE will empower stakers by allowing them to use their STONE to bridge/ swap in a wide range of DeFi applications across chains. This includes lending, borrowing, yield farming, and liquidity provision, among others.

By re-staking STONE, users can compound their rewards, maximizing their returns and making their staked assets more productive and generate a higher yield with different campaigns.

STONE integration with multiple blockchains like Scroll / BNB Chain means stakers can participate in various ecosystems, taking advantage of unique opportunities and benefits offered by different platforms.

The goal for STONE is to be as widely adopted as ETH or even surpass ETH, thats the vision for STONE!

Q3: What are the primary use cases and yield opportunities for holders of StakeStone’s native Liquid Staking Token (LST), STONE? (Toshimitsu Fuji)

Hello thanks for this.

For a start we actually dont just see ourselves as a LST alone. We are the Liquid ETH Backed by Adaptive Staking Network.

1. Cross-Chain Liquidity Pools — We can seamlessly integrate liquidity from multiple chains into a single, cohesive pool, allowing for more efficient asset utilization and higher returns.
2. On Liquid Staking, We enable stakers to unlock the value of their staked assets by providing liquidity while still earning staking rewards.
3. On Restaking, We maximize returns by leveraging staked assets in multiple protocols, compounding rewards without additional capital.

By holding STONE for the long term, users can earn staking rewards from the underlying assets. This helps to provides a passive income stream while maintaining liquidity.

In essence it means HOLD STONE — the TEAM will find the best yield source for you — the users and the stakers 🙂

Questions from the Chinese Community (revert separately afterwards to save everyone’s time):

1.What factor will influence Tranchess team considering on stable coin to support? Can we see USDe go into Tranchess ecosystem?
2. Will Tranchess be launching on other blockchains or Layer 2 networks?
3. Will Tranchess launch a second phase of the joint event with StakeStone after the current one ends on October 8th? The TVL is expected to drop from $260 million to $40 million. Are there any other plans in place?
4. The community incentive plan for the CHESS token will be fully distributed by November 2025. Is there a new plan in place for after this period?
5. Could StakeStone bring more revenue to Tranchess V3?
6. What are the differences between V2 and V3?
7. What are the benefits of holding veCHESS?
8. How does the V3 version help stETH and wstETH holders earn more returns?
9. Is there a risk of a discount for turPSTONE and staYSTONE?
10. Will Tranchess consider leveraging Bishop to innovate using stablecoins?
11. Can Tranchess consider integrating Symbiotic?


First, we’d like to thank our special guest Ivan and the StakeStone team for featuring in our Townhall!

Second, thank you to all the troopers not only for attending the townhall today, but also continuing to support us as we diligently keep building! There’s so much in store and we keep going strong with the support of our troopers alongside us!

Finally, an administrative note:
> All Twitter Q&A winners need to DM the tranchess official twitter account with their BNBChain wallet Address to claim their rewards
> All TG Live Q&A winners are to DM me (@Tranchess_Gambit) the link to their winning message as well as their BNBChain wallet address. NO IMPERSONATING OR SPAMMING — these will result in being banned and forfeit of rewards.

Thanks to all the troopers that have joined us today and we wish everyone a great rest of the day!


Thank your for the invite and amazing community here 🎉


Really appreciate everyone’s time and for joining us today !

